Executive Board
The University of the Arts The Hague is run by an Executive Board, which is supervised by a Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board determines the number of members of the Executive Board and of the Supervisory Board.
The Executive Board comprises:
- Huug de Deugd, President
The Executive Board is in charge of running the University of the Arts which involves being responsible for achieving the goals of the University of the Arts, devising the strategy, and managing funding and policy, among others. The goals in the medium term are described in the institutional plan along with the key points of the multi-annual policy and its relevant priorities. The Executive Board accounts for the management of these affairs to the Supervisory Board. The main points of activity are reported by the Board in the Annual Report.
Governance model HdK as of September 2022
Institutional Plan 2019-2024 and Quality Agreements
Subsidiary appointments Executive Board (Dutch version)
The Supervisory Board is responsible for supervising the policy of the Executive Board and the general running of affairs of the University of the Arts while assisting the Executive Board by providing advice. For this purpose, the Supervisory Board adopts a framework which states how their supervision will be conducted and what specific points of departure will be adopted.
The members have a mix of experience, knowledge and expertise which enables the Board to assess individual aspects of the Executive Board’s policy and advise on financial, administrative, community, social, legal and many other commonly occurring issues. When approaching candidate members an effort is made to gain expertise in the fields of art and culture, higher education, finance, the business world and legal and administrative issues.
The Supervisory Board members are:
- Dr. Susana Menéndez, chair
- Dr. Mr. Ingrid de Bonth
- Prof. Dr. Pancras Hogendoorn
- Drs. Ron Soonieus
- Samuel Wuersten
The Supervisory Board' annual report includes the profiles, resignation schedule and remuneration policy. Also listed are the members' main appointments and relevant subsidiary appointments as well as the compliance with the Sector Code of Governance, including the required independence of the members and the way in which the Supervisory Board informs itself.
Supervisory Board Report 2023 (Dutch version)
Framework for the Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board Information Protocol
Main and Relevant Subsidiary Appointments (Dutch version)
The Executive Board is in charge of running the University of the Arts which involves being responsible for achieving the goals of the University of the Arts, devising the strategy, and managing funding and policy, among others. The Executive Board accounts for the management of these affairs to the Supervisory Board. The main points of activity are reported by the Board in the Annual Report
Annual Report 2023 (Dutch version, published on 15 July 2024)
Annual Report 2022 (Dutch version, published on 29 June 2023)
Annual Report 2021 (Dutch version, published on 5 July 2022)
The governance structure is defined by the articles of association and the board rules which provide details of the tasks and methods of working of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. The articles of association and the board rules together with the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW) and the Sector Code of Governance for Universities of Applied Science form a coherent whole.
The Sector Code of Governance (2023) offers universities of applied science and the outside world a transparent framework for the governance structure and internal supervision. The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board are responsible for compliance with and enforcement of the stipulations of the code.
The University of the Arts complies with the Sector Code of Governance. Unless otherwise stated the principles and the executive provisions of the Sector Code of Governance are applied.
Sector Code of Governance for Universities of Applied Science (Dutch version)